Sunday, February 1, 2009


Why else do you think that Palmer kept both the pigeon in his room a secret and the secret about him fearing the fact that he would have to become a wringer on his tenth birthday?


  1. Palmer kept the pigeon in his room a secret because his town shoots pigeons.He fears becoming a wringer because he loves pigeons and animals.

  2. Palmer kept the pigeon in his room a secret because he thinks that if he tells his friends that he is that they might not like him anymore.Palmer is afraid to become a wringer because he loves pigeons and doesn't want to hurt them.

  3. Palmer kept the secret about his pigeon because he does NOT want the gang to kill his pigeon.
    Palmer fears that if he becomes a Wringer he will NOT like pigeons anymore and that his town kills pigeons

  4. PAlmer kept the pigeon in his room and a secert because his town is full of wringers and he loves animals and does not want to kill them.

  5. Palmer kept a secret about his pigeon and being a winger because the people in his town kill pigeons and his friends are going to be wingers so he is protending that he will also be a winger.

  6. Palmer kept the secret about having a pigeon because evry boy would think Palmer is weird and Beans and the gang would beat him up. He kept fearing to be a Wringer a secret because he wanted to fit in because every boy would kill to be a Wringer.

  7. Palmer kept the pigeon in his room as a secret because he did not want them to kill Nipper.Palmer does not want to become a wringer on his tenth birthday because he loves Nipper.

  8. The reason that Palmer does NOT want anyone to know about the pigeon in his room and wants it to be a secret is because, he knows that most of his town's people kill, shoot, and even wring pigeons! Also because, he just has horrible thoughts of wringing pigeons as they just sit and stare at him and that probably makes him nervous. Plus, he has a strange realation ship with with a pigeon that he even named (Nipper) which might mean that he has a TOO strong bond with it that he just has bad habbit of taking care of it and keeping it safe from the Bean's Boys or, "The Guys" because, unlike Palmer, they don't care about killing pigeons and enjoy it. Palmer doesn't want to be a wringer once he turns to be ten year old because, he oddly has a realation ship with a pigeon he named Nipper and could even feel as if, If he does, he would be betraying Nipper or even because of the creepy thoughts of when he wrings them they stare and maybe even make him pressured.

  9. I think Palmer kept the pigeon, which is Nipper,a secret because, if the gang found out, the moment they got the chance, they would beat him up, since, he had lied about wanting to be a wringer to them and on top of that kept a pigeon in his room.He kept fearing to be a wringer because, on every boy`s tenth birthday that boy will become a wringer.

  10. I think that palmer kept nipper a secert because he loved nipper and did not want bean to kill nipper. Plamer had the fear of being a winger on his tenth brithday because he loves nipper and when he becomes a winger he is going to have to kill nipper.

  11. I think Palmer kept his pigeon a secret because the other kids that wring the pigeons neck would go to Palmer's house and kill his pigeon. He is scared of becoming a wringer on his tenth birthday because he loves pigeons and doesn't want to have to kill them.

  12. I think Palmer kept both is because he doesn`t want anyone to hurt Nipper and because people in his town kill, shot and wring their necks.

  13. I think that Palmer kept both secrets in his room because he doesnt want anyone to find out because he knows that they will make him kill it.

    I think Palmer is also hiding the secret that he is fearing to become a wringer one his tenth birthday because he has a pigeon friend and he wouldnt want to kill his friend or kill any other pigeon.

  14. Palmer kept the pigeon in his room as a secret because he did not want them to kill Nipper and he also loved Niper. Palmer also kept the secret about him fearing the fact that he would have to become a wringer on his tenth birthday because he did not want to be harrassed by the gang. In his town when the boys turn ten it is a tradition to be a wringer and Palmer does not want to be a wringer.

  15. Palmer kept his secret about Niper in his room because in his town people kill pigeons to get monney for the park. And the secret of him being a wringer on his tenth birthday because he has a pigeon. And he will have to kill other pigeons.

  16. Palmer kept the pigeon in his room a secret because he did not want anyone to wring it. He feared because he did not want to kill a pigeon.

  17. I think Palmer kept the piegon in his room as a secret because he didn't want the gang to find out or the gang would probably wring it.I also think Palmer kept the secret about him being scared to be a wringer,because if the gang knew,the gang would tease Palmer.

  18. I think Palmer kept the piegion in his room a secret because he didn't want anyone to wring Nipper.Also Palmer kept his secret about him being scared to become a wringer because he would half to wring Nippers neck.

  19. I think he kept it a secret that he had to pigeons in his room because if his dad finds out then he mite wring them.Then I think the reason why palmar kept it a secret that he is scared to turn ten is because when he turns ten he will have to be a winger and he does not like killing animals.

  20. I think Palmer kept it a secret because then if the guys who kill piegons found out they would kill it and then kill him.I think he dosen't want to tell them because then they will make fun of him and tease him.
